Assam Gold Cup | Super CTC Tea

Tea Processing






The leaves are harvested from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) and transformed into dried leaves for brewing tea.Tea processing involves different manners and degrees of oxidation of the tea leaves, stopping the oxidation, forming the tea and drying it.Each tea type’s flavor is determined by the type of cultivar of the tea bush, the quality of the plucked tea leaves and the manner and quality of the production processing.


Tea Manufacturing

It all starts with the two leaves.The tea leaves are harvested from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis)Next, the tea leaves are classified by size, type and appearance.  These are sometimes named by the region.  Then they are packed into tea chests.


Tea Processing

The most common tea is the black tea.  This is processed in two ways: orthodox and ctc


Orthodox methods



At this stage the water content is reduced – over a wire mesh, air is passed through the leaves drying the leaves gently.  Now the leaves are ready to be rolled.



Leaves are rolled either by hand or machines. This process makes the leaves thin and wiry. 


Leaves go through oxidation; this involves leaves being kept at a certain temperature (26 celsius) where the enzymes of the leaves react with the air thereby changing the colour from green to brown.  The degree of oxidation time determines the colour, taste and strength of each tea.After oxidation, leaves are passed through hot air dryers, now the tea is ready to be sorted and packed.


The Cut, Tear And Curl (Ctc) Method

Leaves are withered, then put through rollers (the rollers have small, sharp teeth), this process produces tea that has tiny granules perfect for tea bags. 



Assam Tea



Assam is not only famous for its breathtaking scenic views and lush green terrain but also for its tea leaves. Well, it too has a story to tell. This kind of tea leaf is originally planted in the northeastern Indian state of Assam and is one of the substantial tea-producing regions globally.

Since the tea leaves are high in caffeine content, Assam tea is considered a breakfast tea by Irish and English people. 

It’s also observed that black tea's polyphenolic compounds can help minimize cholesterol and plaque in blood vessels. However, it is proved in many pieces of research that consuming less than 6 cups of black tea has cured heart-related diseases. Assam tea can also keep diseases at bay, and with its antioxidant content, it can enhance your immune system and increase metabolism. Those conscious about weight loss can make it your everyday drink; expand your metabolism with a sleek look!


Benefits Of Assam Tea


  • Antioxidant Properties
  • Immunity-Boosting Abilities
  • Helps Mitigate Weight Loss
  • Good For Digestion


Darjeeling Tea



The Darjeeling  tea is originally from the teesta valley and is strong, from the second harvest, with a fine aroma and dark golden infusion, it is a very fine tea produced in the highest plantations of the city of Darjeeling. These climatic conditions and altitude are what make the tea unique.

A Darjeeling tea gets its name from the Indian city state where the plantations take place. This region is watered by the teesta river from which our tea proposal takes its name. The region produces high quality teas with an international reputation. Much of this reputation is due to the climatic conditions of the region. Darjeeling teas usually have a fruity aroma. Related in some way to Assam teas with a dark and spicy infusion or with Ceylon teas with soft threads and citrus and floral nuances.


Benefits Of Darjeeling tea


  • Provides Essential Antioxidants
  • Reduces The Risk Of Cancer
  • Relieves Stress
  • Boosts Cardiovascular Health
  • Facilitates Weight Loss


Masala Tea



Indian masala tea is a popular black tea beverage that is served hot. Traditionally, additives like milk and sugar are used to balance the strong black tea and the mixture of aromatic spices and herbs infused in it.

Indian masala chai is widely consumed in every Indian household, and every family uses their own blend of spices and herbs to create their iteration of the tea. While a wide range of spices can be used to make masala tea, typically these iterations contain a unique mix of cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and black pepper.


Benefits Of Masala Tea


There are numerous benefits of indian masala chai, but they largely depend on the spice blend or ingredients being used. Here are just a few key benefits of masala chai to give you some idea.

  • Prevent cold and nasal congestion,
  • Antioxidant-rich helps prevent cell damage,
  • Clove contains compounds that help in improving the immune system.
  • Cardamom has been used as a digestive which improves circulatory and digestive systems.
  • Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties which help the body fight infections.



White Tea



White tea is known for its delicate and subtle flavor profile. It has a refreshing and light taste that is perfect for those who prefer a milder tea experience. The unique blend of white tea in our white chai tea adds a whole new dimension to the traditional chai tea.


This tea is not highly processed, so it will definitely be mellow and light, and the caffeine content is also very low compared to black and green tea. This tea is found in Fujian province in China and is now produced in Countries like Nepal, Taiwan, and Shri Lanka. 


It is harvested from young leaves or minimally processed leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. These leaves are known for their silvery-white hairs, which give them a distinct appearance. When brewed, white tea takes on a pale yellow color, which is a delight to behold. The light-bodied nature of white tea allows the flavors of the other ingredients in our white chai spice blend to shine through. It creates a perfect canvas for the fruity and spicy elements to come together in harmony. Whether you enjoy it hot or iced, this unique blend is sure to please your palate and provide a refreshing and satisfying tea experience.


Benefits Of White Tea


  • It’s rich in Antioxidants
  • May reduce the risk of Heart disease
  • Could help You Lose weight
  • Help protect your Teeth from bacteria
  • Has compounds that may Fight cancer
  • May lower the risk of Insulin Resistance



Green Tea



Green tea After being hand-harvested, the leaves are withered to lower the moisture content in the leaves. Once the leaves are withered they are heated to dry the leaves and prevent the oxidation. As the leaves dry, they are carefully shaped by the tea master into shapes such as spindles, pearls, or cakes.


Because green tea undergoes less processing of other types of tea, it contains more antioxidants and polyphenols that are so beneficial to health.


Green tea also naturally contains caffeine and the amino acid, L-theanine. The combination of these two elements provides the same amount of energy as caffeine alone. But because L-theanine slows down the release of the caffeine it is a smoother boost of energy without the jitters or the dreaded crash that some experience with coffee.


Benefits of Green Tea


  • Promotes Relaxation And Stress Relief
  • Heart Health
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Antioxidant Properties
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Increase Metabolism and Aid Weight Loss



Kadak Chai 



Kadak Chai is a blend of delicious aromatic spices: clove, cardamom, cinnamon stick, and ginger root.


When you brew a cup of our Kadak Chai, the aroma of the kadak chai spices fills the air. The warming scent of clove, cardamom, and cinnamon envelops your senses, while the zesty ginger adds a pleasant kick. The black tea provides a smooth and velvety texture, making each sip a truly indulgent experience.

With each sip, the flavors of this kadak chai will dance on your taste buds, creating a symphony of warmth and spice. The high caffeine content of Masala Chai tea gives you that much-needed energy boost to kick start your day. 



Benefits Of Kadak Chai


  • Reduces Inflammation


Many spices are used in the making of this beverage, commonly called Kadak chai, with the most prominent one being ginger. As a result, Kadak Chai has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have established the positive impact of ginger on the human body. Another ingredient used in Kadak Chai is clove. It is widely used as a painkiller because it reduces inflammation.


  • Boosts Immunity


Kadak Chai is good for the immune system since it contains cinnamon and clove. When used together, the two compounds enhance each other's medicinal effect. Their synergistic role creates a line of defense that does not allow infections to weaken the immune system. One can argue that Kadak Chai has a medicinal quality to it.


  • Aids Digestion


The ingredients used in Kadak Chai, including elaichi, tulsi, and clove, help in the digestive process. When you add ginger into the mixture, the effect becomes even more profound. It has a refreshing and calming effect on the body. If you are struggling with digestion, make sure to drink Kadak Chai with elaichi since it increases the production of saliva.


  • Contains Antioxidants


Black tea is the basic ingredient of Kadak Chai, and it has powerful anti-oxidizing properties. The use of clove and elaichi in the drink naturally fight high cholesterol levels. This, in turn, reduces the formation of plaques that cause blockages leading to cardiovascular disease. The ingredients in Kadak Chai keep the blood pressure and heart rate in control.


  • Prevents Cancer


A growing body of research has shown that the strong anti-oxidizing properties of Kadak Chai can prevent cancer. Studies on cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom all prove they can prevent cancer. For further reading on this topic, check out this journal.





 **************** Tea For Digestion *****************




Talking about digestion issues is such a broad topic. Symptoms can range from suffering from indigestion and feeling bloated after a rich, heavy meal to those who are dealing with a diagnosis of ibs (irritable bowel syndrome) or ibd (inflammatory bowel disorder).


Tea is best for digestion


Compounds present in tea such as polyphenols and antioxidants are naturally beneficial for the digestive tract. Polyphenols act as prebiotic creating healthy gut bacteria which in turn helps digestion.


Drinking tea is certainly a more holistic approach to soothing your digestive tract. And while it may not solve a more serious condition completely, studies have shown that tea may provide relief. Tea helps metabolize rich foods that can cause upset and bloating. Along with a healthy diet, exercise, and a good night's sleep, drinking tea regularly is a habit you can feel good about.


How To Drink Tea For Better Digestion


Because dinner is often the largest meal of the day, it makes sense that most digestive issues are experienced at nighttime. For this reason, steeping a cup of tea after a large or rich meal will help the body as it digests. Many teas are good for digestion, so you can find the type that you enjoy the most. Selecting a caffeine-free tea is also essential so you can get the rest you need that night.


Drinking tea won't solve to root of digestive issues, but it may give you some relief from the symptoms you are dealing with. After a large meal, tea may help with digestion. If you are suffering from chronic stomach troubles it is always recommended to seek the advice of your medical professional.





******************  Best Tea for Allergies ****************




Allergies can be a real nuisance, especially during the spring and fall seasons. Hay fever symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes can make it difficult to enjoy being outside. These symptoms can also make it difficult to get through the day.


Seasonal allergies usually happen in spring, summer, and early fall. During these periods, airborne spores from mold or pollens from trees, grass, and weeds can provoke symptoms such as sneezing and congestion.


Why Tea for Allergy Relief?


When you have allergies, it is your immune system creates antibodies that identifies the allergen as foreign, or harmful, even if is typically benign. The body reacts to the allergen with inflammation of your sinuses, airways, skin, or even digestive system.

Tea has been used for centuries to help with various health problems such as allergies. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in tea can strengthen the immune system and decrease inflammation in the body.


What Tea Is Good For Allergies?


When it comes to allergies, not all teas are the same. Some teas may have more potent anti-inflammatory properties, while others may be better at boosting the immune system.


  • Green Tea


One of the best teas for allergy relief is green tea.

Green tea is known for its high levels of antioxidants, making it a popular choice for overall health and wellness. But it also contains a compound called epigallocatechin galate (EGCG), which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. This can help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms, such as a runny nose and itchy eyes.


  • Ginger Tea


Ginger tea is indeed good for allergy relief. Ginger has natural anti- inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is beneficial for relieving allergy symptoms. Additionally, ginger tea can help with congestion and provide relief for a sore throat. It is a great option to consider adding to your tea rotation for managing allergies effectively.


  • Peppermint Tea


Peppermint tea is one of the best teas or for sinus allergies due to its refreshing taste and soothing effects. It contains the active ingredient menthol, which can help open up the airways and provide relief from congestion.

Peppermint tea also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the sinuses, providing relief for sinus allergies. Additionally, the menthol in peppermint tea can help soothe a sore throat and provide relief for coughing.


  • Chamomile Tea


Chamomile tea is well-known for its calming effects and is often used to promote relaxation and sleep. But it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms. Chamomile tea can help relieve congestion, soothe a sore throat, and provide relief for itchy eyes. It is also a natural antihistamine, which can help reduce the body's response to allergens.


How to Prepare Tea for Allergies


To get the most out of your tea for allergies, it’s essential to prepare it correctly. Here are some tips for preparing tea for allergies:


  • Use filtered water to avoid any potential allergens or contaminants.


  • Steep the tea as instructed on the package to allow the full benefits of the tea to be released.


  • Add a squeeze of lemon to your tea to boost the immune system and add a refreshing flavor.


  • Add a teaspoon of local honey to your tea to help desensitize the body to local allergens.


While tea and other natural remedies can be effective in managing allergies, it’s essential to seek medical advice if your symptoms persist or become severe. You may have an underlying condition that requires medical treatment.





******************** Best Tea For Skin ********************



  • Green Tea


Reduce Inflammation

Green Tea contains a high level of ECGC, the polyphenol antioxidant that helps maintain skin cell health as well as providing anti-inflammatory properties that help rejuvenates damaged skin cells. Green tea can also help from the inside out by providing protection from sun damage due to UV radiation.



  •  White Tea



White tea is made from the youngest leaves, making it one of the purest and most powerful source of antioxidants of true teas. This purity gives white tea the power to revitalize the skin cells, and provide anti-aging benefits by preventing the breakdown of collagen and elastin.





***************** A Guide to the Best Black Tea *******************




Black Tea Basics


Black tea is one of the true teas along with green tea, oolong, and white tea as they all come from the Camellia sinensis plant. All tea leaves from the Camellia sinensis tea plant contain caffeine, and black tea has the highest content.


The Benefit of Black Tea


Lowering “ bad “ LDL cholesterol

Improve gut health

Decrease blood pressure

Boosting heart health

Reducing the risk of stroke

Lowering blood sugar

Reducing the risk of cancer

Helping improve focus

Helping protect against the risk of Type2 diabetes



How much caffeine is in black tea ?


Black tea is the most caffeinated of the true teas. An average cup of black tea contains about 47 mg per 8-ounce cup, compared to 95 mg of caffeine in an average cup of coffee. 

As an oxidized tea, caffeine is more easily extracted from black tea than from other types of tea. The caffeine content in black tea can vary depending on water temperature, brewing time, or leaves-to-water ratio. The hotter the water, the longer the brewing time, and the higher the ratio of tea leaves to water will increase the caffeine content in your cup. 





****************Teas to Relieve Menstrual Cramps******************




Menstruation is a bloody monthly problem. They can significantly help in relieving cramps and abdominal discomfort during menstruation.


Peppermint Tea


Menstrual pains occur due to contraction and spasm of uterus muscles. Peppermint tea, with its strong anti-spasmodic properties, softens pain around the muscle walls of the uterus and helps with your period pain. 


Ginger Tea


Ginger Tea inarguably has the maximum therapeutic benefits for the human body. The drink acts on prostaglandins, compounds that are primarily responsible for triggering period pain, and reduces menstrual cramps considerably. 


Chamomile Tea


Chamomile tea is an effective herbal treatment to cure the condition of bloating and constipation during menses, thanks to its amazing pain-relieving properties. 

Combining chamomile and peppermint—two of the vital carminatives—for preparing the herbal solution to treat menstrual pain is an alternate remedy. The concoction helps in soothing the irritability caused by extreme abdominal gassiness and alleviates the pain around uterus walls. 




**************** What Is The Best Tea For Inflammation? ****************




Why Is Inflammation?


Plain and simple, inflammation is your body's immune system responding to infection or injury. It may be visible by swelling, redness in joints, or chronic pain. Sometimes inflammation will also give the sensation of heat in the inflamed area. Since inflammation is an immune system response, your body is simply doing its job. But allowing inflammation to become chronic can cause more serious health problems. Diseases caused by inflammation are no joke. These diseases can include cancer, Alzheimer’s, asthma, heart disease, joint pain such as rheumatoid arthritis, and more.



Types of Inflammation


Acute or chronic? Knowing the type of inflammation you are experiencing can help you determine the best action to take. An injury or infection can cause acute inflammation, which is typically short-lived.  An autoimmune response, allergy, or other health condition can often be the source of chronic inflammation. Long-term chronic inflammation can affect your overall health, making it critical to address it before it causes more issues.



Why Is Inflammation Bad?


Inflammation can become chronic, damaging healthy cells, tissues, and organs if left unaddressed. Chronic inflammation may also be the cause of internal scarring, killing healthy tissue, and damaging healthy cells. Put all this together and it could lead to potentially disabling or life-shortening illnesses like cancer or diabetes.



Which Types Of Tea Are Best For Inflammation?


Tea drinkers know that drinking tea provides many health benefits. But when it comes to inflammation, look to the antioxidants that tea provides. Antioxidants help fight free radicals which are unstable molecules that can attack your healthy cells and lead to inflammation. Antioxidants found in tea may help protect cells from damage.



Green Tea


During processing, green tea goes through minimal oxidation, which results in a high level of polyphenols called catechins. The abundant and most well-known catechin in green tea is egcg (epigallocatechin-3-gallate). Egcg is a front-runner in helping prevent cell damage and inflammatory conditions.



Black Tea


 Even though black tea is highly oxidized, it is still another cup to consider as an anti-inflammatory tea. Black tea contains a polyphenol called theaflavin that is responsible for helping reduce inflammation and promote overall health.



Kadak Chai


Many spices are used in the making of this beverage, commonly called Kadak chai, with the most prominent one being ginger. As a result, Kadak Chai has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have established the positive impact of ginger on the human body. Another ingredient used in Kadak Chai is clove. It is widely used as a painkiller because it reduces inflammation.




**************** Best Teas for Sore Throat *****************




Beyond the warmth and delicious flavors of the tea, the medicinal benefits of different types of tea can also be a home remedy to help soothe and heal the sore throat. While some sore throats are caused by viruses that shouldn't be ignored and may require a doctor's attention, a soothing cup of tea may give you some relief from your cold symptoms while you rest back to wellness.



  • Ginger Tea



This root gets to the root of the problem! In herbal medicine, Ginger is another hero. Like some of the other teas we have discussed, ginger also contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help soothe a sore throat.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of green tea can also help to soothe sore throat symptoms and promote overall health. Ginseng is popular in alternative medicine for boosting the immune system. Combine ginger and green tea for a sore throat powerhouse.



  • Cinnamon Tea



Cinnamon tea is a traditional remedy for healing cough, flu, and sore throat symptoms. Packed with antioxidants cinnamon tea provides a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect which can help soothe a sore throat.

Cinnamon is a spice rich in polyphenol antioxidants. When blended in tea, cinnamon may boost your body’s ability to fight off free radicals, keeping you healthy. Cinnamon Spice tea is a bright, full Ceylon black tea blend with aromatic cinnamon with a crisp finish of citrus and clove. Or for later in the day try naturally caffeine-free Cinnamon Rooibos, a South African plant that is grown in the mountainous region just north of Cape Town.



  • Masala Tea



Since we now know that ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and peppercorn can help with a sore throat, it sounds like you have the perfect combination for a masala tea! Masala tea also provides immunity-boosting benefits to help reduce nausea, and soothe a headache (which may be tagging along with your sore throat).

Masala tea is available in various blends to suit your flavor preference. Masala Chai is a strong, rich, Ceylon black tea balanced with all the flavorful chai spices such as clove, cardamom, ginger, and cinnamon. 



  • Peppermint Tea



Peppermint tea is another caffeine-free option for soothing a sore throat. Peppermint contains menthol with provides a cooling effect on inflamed throat tissue.

Peppermint tea is a classic, fresh-scented peppermint tea with a cool, crisp aroma with a smooth finish. Without caffeine, or any artificial oils or sweeteners, this is the best Peppermint tea for a healthy treat day or night.




************** Drinking Ginger Tea like This To Boost Immunity *************




Boost Your Immunity in a Sip: Discover the secret of Drinking Ginger Tea


  • Health Benefits Unveiled


Ginger isn't just a spice; it's a powerhouse of health benefits waiting to be unleashed. Ginger possesses antispasmodic qualities owing to its rich composition of over 60 trace minerals, an abundance of around 30 amino acids (with many still unidentified), and a vast array of more than 500 enzymes and coenzymes. These components synergistically collaborate to soothe reactivity within the body- offering you multiple benefits such as.



  • Antioxidant Properties


Ginger contains potent antioxidants such as gingerol, which help combat oxidative stress in the body. By neutralizing free radicals, ginger helps protect immune cells from damage, thus enhancing the overall immune response.



  • Anti – Inflammatory Effects


Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties that helps reduce inflammation throughout the body. By mitigating inflammation, ginger supports a healthier immune system.



  • Antimicrobial Activity


Ginger exhibits antimicrobial properties, including against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Consuming ginger may help prevent infections by inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms, thereby bolstering the body's defenses against pathogens.



  • Supports Digestive Health


Ginger aids digestion by promoting digestive  enzyme secretion and reducing gastrointestinal discomfort. A healthy digestive system contributes to overall immune function by maintaining a balanced gut micro biota and preventing the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.



Frequently Asked Question



  • What are the benefits of Indian masala tea?


Indian masala tea helps boost immunity, aid digestion, prevent cancer, increase energy, reduce inflammation, and contains plenty of detoxifying antioxidants.



  • Is Masala tea good for your health?


Yes, masala tea is good for your health, primarily because of its rich antioxidant content and ability to prevent certain diseases and boost immunity.



  • Which one is healthier, masala tea or coffee?


Yes, masala tea is good for your health, primarily because of its rich antioxidant content and ability to prevent certain diseases and boost immunity.



  • What health benefits do the antioxidants in tea have?


The dominant antioxidants in tea are Polyphenols, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Other antioxidants like tea flavonoids may help with high blood pressure because they may help maintain the elasticity and smoothness of the lining of blood vessels.



  • Is it OK to drink chai tea every day?


Yes, it is OK to drink chai tea every day. It contains more Polyphenols (antioxidants) than most fruits and vegetables, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and protect cell health, among many other health benefits.



  • Why Is Darjeeling Tea The Best Tea ?


Darjeeling teas are considered the best because they are distinctive, delicate, musky flavors and strong, often fruity aromas. These characteristics are unique to the teas grown in the Darjeeling region on the Himalayan foothills.



  • Which Is Beneficial, Green Tea Or Darjeeling Tea ?


High-quality Darjeeling green tea is more beneficial than Black Darjeeling tea of similar quality because it is less processed and has lower caffeine content.



  • Why Are Darjeeling Teas Famous ?


Darjeeling teas are famous for their strong, special aroma and often fruity and musky tea flavor.



  • When Should I Drink Darjeeling Tea ?


Darjeeling teas can be drinked any time of the day.



  • What are the benefits of Indian masala tea?


Indian masala tea helps boost immunity, aid digestion, prevent cancer, increase energy, reduce inflammation, and contains plenty of detoxifying antioxidants.



  • Is Masala tea good for your health?


Yes, masala tea is good for your health, primarily because of its rich antioxidant content and ability to prevent certain diseases and boost immunity.



  • Which one is healthier, masala tea or coffee?


Yes, masala tea is good for your health, primarily because of its rich antioxidant content and ability to prevent certain diseases and boost immunity.



  • What health benefits do the antioxidants in tea have?


The dominant antioxidants in tea are Polyphenols, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Other antioxidants like tea flavonoids may help with high blood pressure because they may help maintain the elasticity and smoothness of the lining of blood vessels.



  • Is it OK to drink chai tea every day?


Yes, it is OK to drink chai tea every day. It contains more Polyphenols (antioxidants) than most fruits and vegetables, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and protect cell health, among many other health benefits.